Arjun, Just received the Goehring and Rosencwajg report in which they further discuss the Norwegian EV situation under the heading "The Norwegian illusion." Don’t know how to attach it to this comment. The other illusion or vision I have is you sitting in your coach ( circa 1900) watching the Knicks. We have come long way since then. Appreciate your substack immensely.
Since it’s a Saturday, i want to pick up on your non oil and gas commentary about the Apple Pro. It does indeed look cool but that price tag is a big barrier. Check out Zuckerberg personal
Compare and contrast of the Apple v Meta product. Meta is a fraction of the cost.
Arjun, Just received the Goehring and Rosencwajg report in which they further discuss the Norwegian EV situation under the heading "The Norwegian illusion." Don’t know how to attach it to this comment. The other illusion or vision I have is you sitting in your coach ( circa 1900) watching the Knicks. We have come long way since then. Appreciate your substack immensely.
Thank you Max! and here is a link the G&R commentary (I have not read yet).
Since it’s a Saturday, i want to pick up on your non oil and gas commentary about the Apple Pro. It does indeed look cool but that price tag is a big barrier. Check out Zuckerberg personal
Compare and contrast of the Apple v Meta product. Meta is a fraction of the cost.
As I noted, I'm not buying Gen 1. Apple will crush META in my view.